
Chapter 4
Today is day four of our journey.  We will leave Judea and our acquaintance Nicodemus only to make a new friend.  Today’s journey will take us to a region called Samaria, and there in the little town of Sychar we will meet a woman, whose name is never given, but whose story is hard to forget.  Jesus does not hold back in ministering to whoever is in need, no matter what their social standing, ethnicity or gender may be.  But whether you are a prominent Jew from Judea, or a "no-named" woman from Samaria, we will see that Jesus always meets them where they are and gives them what they really need.

Chapter 4 Study Questions

How does the Samaritan woman respond to the request of Jesus, who being tired from the journey, asks for a drink of water? (4:9)

Why do you think the woman was so surprised by Jesus’ request? (4:9)

Jesus informs the Samaritan woman that if she would have known two things, she would have asked him for a drink.  What were the two things that Jesus says would have prompted her to ask him for water (4:10)?

Whoever drinks the living water from Jesus receives what kind of life? (4:14)

Before Jesus grants the woman’s request for living water, what subject does he bring up? (4:15-18)

If you were to ask Jesus for living water, do you think He would bring up an area in your life that might be uncomfortable for you to talk about?

Is it a comfort for you to know that Jesus will not just deal with part of your life, but rather, he will deal with the "real" you by addressing every part of your life, including your deepest needs?

After the conversation with the woman of Samaria, who does Jesus say that He is? (4:25-26)

Who do the townspeople recognize Jesus to be? (4:42)

Do you agree with the townspeople?

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